Admission for Bachelor in Marine Biology is every second year. Next admission is in 2018.
You will gain knowledge about the ocean and life in the ocean and meteorological impacts on the Faroe Islands and the rest of the world.
Emphazis is on physics and the physical characteristics in the ocean. You will also gain knowledge about fish farming.
The ocean and its resources are under continues threats of overexploitation, environmental pollution and changes in the weather conditions. Thorough oceanographic knowledge is important to administer the precious resources.
You will be provided with qualifications to limit, propose and analyze oceanographic questions and problems. Interpret research and put them in a commercial and social perspective
The bachelor degree a 3 year education according to international standards. The faroese nature is a natural part of the education and its population, animals and plants.
Admission requirements are an upper secondary diploma with:
· B-level Mathematics
· B-level Physics
· B-level Chemistry
The minimum average of 7 on the 13- Marking Scale is required for these courses. This corresponds to 4 on the Marking Scale on the 7-scale.
The average is calculated based on both exam results and annual marks for oral and written performance.
The faculty may decide to apply equivalent criteria based on case-by-case assessments.
The education provides you with work possibilities as a consultant and in administration in private companies and public institutions, with research and as a teacher.
The education gives you basis for a many sided and interesting field of work.
For instance:
The education is international and therefore you may continue education at other universities around the world. or please contact the central student advice service at the University of the Faroe Islands: