The following subject areas are offered on the master-learning programme: history; politics and administration; social analysis and planning. More detailed descriptions of the programmes are provided in the academic programmes and Master-Learning Guide.
This is a two-year programme and the semesters are structured as follows: The first semester will focus on theory and method in the subject areas. A significant component of this semester is work in a subject-specific community of practice where you will work with fellow students, faculty and others on a specific research project.
The second semester consists in a stay at a university abroad where you will take selected courses in your subject area.
In the third semester you will go on a practice placement. This means that, based on an agreement between you and an institution, company or organisation, you will research an assignment relevant to your subject, while also participating in supervision and courses in methodology at the University of the Faroe Islands. Another minor component of the semester is theoretical and methodological preparation for the master thesis.
The fourth semester is reserved for working on the master thesis with supervision.
Through the master-learning concept you will get a solid academic and profession-oriented degree grounded in knowledge and experience from both international settings and directly from Faroese society. You will obtain high-level qualifications preparing you for management and analysis in the public sector, the private sector and the non-profit sector as well.